Webinar Details

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Study Abroad: UK 🇬🇧

The webinar Study Abroad: UK, conducted on January 25, 2024, provided a thorough exploration of educational opportunities in the United Kingdom during the 5:30 PM to 7:15 PM Kabul Time session. The event's focal points included highlighting the UK's academic excellence and cultural diversity, making it an enticing destination for international students. Practical insights were shared on navigating the UK education system, with a particular emphasis on lifestyle and community aspects to offer a holistic understanding of the student experience.

Event Overview:

A significant portion of the webinar was dedicated to unraveling career development opportunities, especially focusing on job prospects in the UK. Mariam Ghezal, M.Sc., not only provided valuable information on leveraging educational opportunities for career growth but also shared practical tips on applying for scholarships. Her guidance went beyond theoretical discussions, offering attendees actionable advice on the application process.

Ms.Ghezal practically delved into the nuances of applying for scholarships and navigating the academic landscape. This approach added a practical dimension to the webinar, making it especially beneficial for those seeking tangible advice on securing scholarships and successfully transitioning to academic life in the United Kingdom.

Study Abroad: UK successfully delivered comprehensive information about studying and living in the United Kingdom. The webinar's success is attributed to the valuable insights shared by Mariam Ghezal and the focused discussions on academic excellence, cultural diversity, and career development opportunities.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Mariam Ghezal for her insightful contributions, expertise, and practical guidance, which significantly enriched the webinar. Her valuable insights have undoubtedly empowered attendees with the knowledge needed to embark on successful academic journeys.

The event recording ensures that the knowledge imparted continues to benefit individuals interested in the UK's educational landscape.